Adway Wadekar

Adway Wadekar

Statistical Science Ambassador

Class of 2025
Majors in Mathematics and Statistical Science; Minor in Economics

My name is Adway and I'm a senior majoring in Mathematics and Statistical Science and minoring in Economics. I'm fascinated by the ability that statistics has to tell powerful stories. Whether it's explaining disease as a function of the interplay between genes and the environment or finding ways to make sure data sharing is secure, statistics can provide a principled path to answer practically any question you might have. 

I plan to go to graduate school in a statistics-adjacent discipline. My research interests lie in statistical genetics, missing data, and high-dimensional probability and statistics. I currently work with Profs. Jerry Reiter, Jichun Xie and Nicholas Cook at Duke, and Prof. Chirag Patel at Harvard Medical School. Outside of the classroom, I've served as a TA/grader, am a Huang Fellow in Science and Society, and have worked in creative media and campus journalism.

Favorite Class: MATH/STA 690 (High-dimensional Probability). This class, taught by Prof. Nicholas Cook, exposed students to exciting and active research areas in probability theory. Many of the topics covered were based on papers published in the past 25 years (which is quite recent in math), and are now beginning to win some of the highest awards in mathematics.