Bianca Sjoenell

Bianca Sjoenell

Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies Ambassador

Class of 2025
Major in Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies; Minors in Biology and Chemistry

At Duke, I am a member of the Baldwin Scholars Program. I am also a Group Fitness Instructor and teach dance cardio and pilates-style classes at Wilson 2-3 times a week. I aspire to have a career as a reconstructive plastic surgeon, and this past summer I had the chance to work with transgender patients undergoing FFS(Facial Feminization Surgery). I love to dance, take coffee walks around Durham with friends, and a skincare lover.

Favorite Class: My favorite class at Duke this past year was Reproductive Ethics because the topics of the course were very relevant to what is going on in this country post Roe v. Wade being overturned. I valued this class because I was able to learn how to not bring personal bias into discussions and to see both sides of an argument.