Class of 2025
Majors in Italian and Biology; Minor in Chemistry
Hello! I am a junior at Duke, and I am going to be studying abroad this fall at the University of Bologna through a program with Brown University. I am looking forward to learning more about biochemistry and the health care system in Italy while studying the Italian language. I am on the pre-med track at Duke, and after working as a research assistant with Duke's Center for Child and Family Policy, I hope to continue a health care career in pediatrics. Some other activities I've been involved in at Duke include intramural and club soccer, Duke's Climate Coalition, and volunteer work through Meals on Wheels in Durham. In my free time I enjoy reading, going on runs, and learning to play the guitar!
Favorite Class: My first-year seminar, Feminisms Past and Present, was my favorite class at Duke so far. It was a very eye opening course that allowed me to view the world and my other areas of study through a different lens. It also inspired me to take Italian courses that focused on the history feminism in Italy.