Patrice Barley, J.D.

Patrice Barley, J.D.
Office location:

Allen Building 421 Chapel Drive, Box 90048, Durham, NC 27708

Mailing address:

Box 90048, 04 Allen Building, Durham, NC 27708

Phone: (919) 684-2865



Academic Dean & Director, Office of Pre-Law Advising.  Duke Bench & Bar Undergraduate Pre-Law Society, and Duke Black Pre-Law Society.



J.D., Duke University School of Law

About me:

Patrice Barley is the Academic Dean & Pre-Law Advisor at Duke University, where she also serves as the advisor for Bench & Bar (Duke’s Undergraduate Pre-Law Society) and the newly-formed Black Pre-Law Society. Outside of Duke, Patrice is the Vice President of the Southern Association of Pre-Law Advisors (SAPLA), co-Chair of the Pre-Law Advisors Committee of the American Association of Law Schools’ (AALS) Section on Pre-Law Education and Admission to Law School, a member of the Law School Admission Council’s (LSAC) Inaugural Prelaw Advisor’s Committee, a member of the Marketing & Outreach Committee for the Pre-Law Advisors National Council (PLANC) 2024 Quadrennial Conference, and a co-founder of a group that brings together Black pre-law advisors around the country.

Before becoming Duke’s pre-law advisor, she served as the Assistant Director of Admissions & Coordinator of Diversity Recruitment at Duke University School of Law. While at Duke Law, she taught LSAT prep during the summers in the Duke Law PLUS Program (now known as the Duke PreLaw Fellowship Program) and served on LSAC’s Assessment Committee. Patrice has over 15 years of experience in higher education, including international education, diversity recruitment, law school admissions, college advising, and pre-law advising. Prior to her career in higher education, she was an estate planning attorney in North Carolina. Patrice earned her J.D. from Duke University School of Law and B.A. in Psychology and French from Swarthmore College.