Vaughn-Regan Bledsoe

Vaughn-Regan Bledsoe

African & African American Studies Ambassador

Class of 2025
Majors in Global Health and African & African American Studies; Certificate in Health Policy

On campus, I am co-president of the Black Women's Union, Abele Ambassador at The Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture, Wellness Intern at The Wellness Center, and an undergraduate researcher on the Reproductive Health Care Post Roe v. Wade Bass Connections team. I am a Global Health and African & African American Studies co-major with a Health Policy certificate, and I hope to pursue my Master of Public Health and continue to dive deeper into my passion of health policy. In my free time I like to listen to music, crochet, watch college basketball, go to workout classes, and hang out with my friends!

Favorite Class: My favorite class at Duke was Race, Genomics, & Society because it was the catalyst for my interest in Global Health. I learned so many wonderful things that I still use in my work today, and Dr. Royal is a phenomenal professor!