Mina Kim

Mina Kim

Linguistics Ambassador


Class of 2026
Major in Linguistics; Minors in Japanese and History

Hey, everyone! My name is Mina Kim, and I'm from El Paso, Texas. On campus, I work at the Writing Studio and the Duke Annual Fund, connecting with students and alumni alike. In my free time, I'm probably writing my never-ending story or watching mystery shows in different languages in hopes of subconsciously strengthening my language skills. As for my future goals, I'm hoping to go straight into grad school, but I'm open to any detours along the way.

Favorite Class: So far, I'd have to say my favorite class was Professor Chen's "East Asian Languages as L2s" because it not only introduced me to the sub-field of language acquisition but also applied my Korean and Japanese skills in a linguistics setting. It definitely solidified my decision to become a linguistics major and continue my studies in those foreign languages as well.