Why Contact An Ambassador?
Navigating through the variety of degree options and courses Trinity offers can seem to be a daunting task. However, a new pilot program - Trinity Ambassadors - is now available to help guide, inform and support undergraduates.
This peer-to-peer program consists of juniors and seniors across various Trinity departments who are accessible as a resource for all undergraduates.
Interested in learning more about a department and its major? Wondering if a particular course is something you should try? Curious about research options for a specific area? Looking for information about career paths you may want to explore within a particular field?
Contact an Ambassador!
Who Are the Ambassadors?
Ambassadors are student volunteers, nominated by their departments, to serve in this unique and important role. Many of Trinity's 30+ departments currently have Ambassadors with more being added regularly. In addition to working directly with undergraduates, some departments involve their Ambassadors in other activities, such as coordinating student events, participating in Majors Fair and/or Blue Devil Days, writing articles for newsletters, taking part in focus group, and more.
Our Current Ambassadors
Click on the names or photos of the Ambassadors to learn more about their background and interests. You will also note that although "represent" a department, many are affiliated with multiple departments or programs across Duke.
Ambassadors are organized alphabetically by Department Name.