Welcome to the Trinity College of Arts & Sciences at Duke University
In this section, you can explore the majors, minors and certificates available to undergraduate students, and learn how to take advantage of Duke's extensive advising network. Current students will find policies and procedures for progressing towards graduation, and links to study pathways and support organizations.
There is so much you will learn and discover every day as an undergraduate Duke student – about yourself and about our world. Paths will emerge that you never imagined because our scholars approach global challenges in interesting ways. Curiosity, passion and an entrepreneurial spirit are very welcome here. In Trinity, we offer majors with rigorous but reasonable course loads that leave room for experimentation and include unique experiences in classrooms and studios, in labs and libraries, and in communities at home and abroad.
Additionally, the diversity and connectivity among an incredible range of academic disciplines in Trinity is one of our greatest strengths. Our three academic divisions – the Arts & Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences – offer a robust and contemporary liberal arts education in a world-class research environment. That setting enables us to provide a transformational experience for every student.