Academic Policies & Procedures for Undergraduates (“T-Reqs”)

This section includes the policies and procedures that govern the undergraduate curriculum and the academic life of students in Duke's Trinity College of Arts & Sciences. Informally known as the Trinity Requirements or T-Reqs, they are intended to ensure that each undergraduate in the College pursues a liberal arts education.

Your academic dean's name can be found on your Student Center Page on DukeHub.  

If you are a student in Duke's Pratt School of Engineering, undergraduate policies and procedures are listed on their website.

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Title Summary
Academic Accommodations If you have a documented disability, you may be eligible for reasonable academic accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Academic Communication Best Practices *IMPORTANT* Trinity College uses email as the official means of communication with students.
Academic Concerns of Students This procedure guides resolution of student-faculty issues related to a course or departmental policy.
Academic Deans The Academic Deans assist students in achieving their academic goals and fulfill the various graduation requirements.
Active Student Status Definition of active student status, and restrictions placed on inactive students.
Bereavement Policy Students who suffer a personal tragedy or trauma can ask for academic accommodations and support.
Class Attendance and Missed Work What to do if you cannot attend class or turn in work that is due.
Continuation Requirements You must achieve a satisfactory record of academic performance each semester and make satisfactory progress toward graduation each year to continue in Trinity College.
Courses: Auditing Auditing a course yields no academic credit but can be a way to explore areas of interest.
Courses: Changing a Cross-Listing There is flexibility in how a cross-listed course can appear on a student's transcript.
Courses: Course Load Students must enroll in at least 4.0 course credits each semester, except when authorized to enroll in an underload by your Academic Dean.
Courses: Curriculum Codes The Trinity undergraduate curriculum categorizes courses to signal how they fulfill general education requirements.
Courses: Double Counting for Majors, Curriculum An explanation of how individual courses may count toward various graduation requirements.
Courses: Dropping, Adding, Course Corrections The drop/add period for fall and spring semesters runs through the first two weeks of each semester. During this time, you can drop and add courses to your schedule. 
Courses: Enrolling in Graduate and Professional School Courses Graduate and Professional School courses that are listed as 3.0 credit courses on DukeHub will convert to a 1.0 credit course when an undergraduate enrolls.
Courses: Incomplete Course Work What to do if you are unable to complete all the work for a course by the end of the semester.
Courses: Interinstitutional Duke students can receive credit for courses taken at UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Charlotte, or UNC-Greensboro, NC Central University, or NC State University. You can only do this if you are a full-time student and if the equivalent course is not being offered at Duke during the same academic term.
Courses: Repeating Students have the option of repeating a course, when appropriate.
Courses: Sequencing Some courses have to be taken in sequentially because the concepts introduced in the first courses are needed for successful work at higher course levels.
Courses: Withdrawal from Procedures to follow when withdrawing from a course. *NOTE* This policy and form is for undergraduate students ONLY!
Courses: Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory Grading Option S/U (previously pass/fail) is intended to encourage students to explore courses they might not otherwise take. S/U courses can count towards general education requirements (curriculum codes). NOTE: This policy and form is for undergraduate students ONLY!
Credit: AP and IPC and PMC AP, IPC and PMC courses can yield limited elective credit at the time an undergraduate matriculates at Duke.
Credit: AP Credit by Department How AP courses affect your placement in Duke courses.
Credit: Study Abroad Learn how to get study abroad courses approved for credit.
Credit: Limitations and Restrictions There are limitations on the counting of credit toward the Bachelor's Degree.
Curriculum for Students Entering in Fall 2025 The Arts & Sciences curriculum defines the set of academic experiences that will be shared by its students. It ensures that all students receive the core elements of a Duke liberal arts education, regardless of their background, academic path, or co-curricular activities. These elements include engagement with different disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives, active interaction with peers and faculty, and sustained study in at least one discipline.
Curriculum: First-Year Requirements In your first year as a Duke undergraduate, you are required to take a writing course and a seminar course.
Curriculum: Foreign Language (FL) Requirement The foreign language (FL) requirement at Duke University is intended to enable all students to engage meaningfully with another culture in its own language.
Curriculum: Frequently Asked Questions Answers to common questions about how to navigate the curriculum and complete the graduation requirements for the Bachelor Degree.
Curriculum: Overview Duke's undergraduate curriculum encompasses 34 course credits, including courses that fulfill a major, and satisfy various general education requirements.
Directors of Undergraduate Studies The director of undergraduate studies (DUS) is the departmental or program officer responsible for coordinating and overseeing the undergraduate curriculum and courses of instruction.
Duke Community Standard and Student Conduct Duke Community StandardDuke University is a community dedicated to scholarship, leadership, and service and to the principles of honesty, fairness, respect, and accountability.
Education Records: FERPA Duke complies with FERPA guidelines for allowing students and third parties access to student information.
Emergencies, Personal Students faced with a personal or family emergency or a long-range or chronic health condition can ask for academic accommodations and support.
Final Exams: Scheduling, Conflicts and Absences What to do if you have scheduling problems or need to miss the final exam in a course.
Grades: Academic Warning Explanation of academic warnings given to students with weak performance in one or more courses.
Grades: Changes Changes in end-of-term grades may be made by the instructor only because of an error in calculation or an error in transcription, with a couple of exceptions.
Grades: Complaints at End of Term What to do if you wish to challenge a course grade.
Grades: Dean's List Explanation of Dean's List and Dean's List with Distinction in recognition of academic excellence.
Grades: End-of-Term Explanation of end-of-semester grade reporting and the consequences of poor performance in courses.
Grades: Grade Point Average (GPA) Explanation of grade point average calculation.
Grades: Midterm Grades First year students received midterm grades to help keep the on track. Sophomores, juniors and seniors only receive midterm grades if a low grade is reported.
Grades: Notations Definitions for grading codes.
Grades: Probation Explanation of academic probation and procedures for clear probation.
Graduation: Change of Graduation Date How to change your anticipated date of graduation, either by graduating early or remaining for a ninth semester.
Graduation: Graduating Early With careful planning, it may be possible to complete your degree requirements one or two semesters early.
Graduation: Graduating with Distinction Explanation of the honor program at Duke leading to Graduation with Distinction on the basis of an honors thesis.
Graduation: Latin Honors Explanation of how Latin Honors are earned.
Graduation: Ninth Semester of Enrollment Students may extend their time-to-degree by a ninth semester with permission from an academic dean.
Graduation: Part-Time Status Graduating seniors who need fewer than 3.0 credits to graduate may request permission to study on a part-time basis in their last semester of enrollment.
Graduation: Requirements A Duke Bachelor Degree requires 34 course credits as well as various general education and major requirements.
Graduation: Commencement, Applying for Graduation, and Graduation Plan Verification Form All students need to apply for graduation during their final year. This is done in DukeHub.
Harassment, Nondiscrimination and Title IX (including Sexual Misconduct) Duke's harassment policy ensures that all members of the academic community have a safe and nurturing place to work and study.
Health Issues, Short- and Long-Term Students who encounter short- and long-term medical issues or instances of personal distress/emergency can seek academic support if needed.
Honor Societies Learn more about Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta Pi.
Identification Numbers Students are assigned a variety of identifiers; take care to distinguish among them.
Independent Study An Independent Study (I.S.) gives you the option to pursue a research or another academic topic that may interest you with the guidance of a regular rank faculty member.
Internships, Credit for Duke supports internships as valuable learning experiences, but academic credit at Duke for internships is limited.
Leave of Absence: Medical A medical leave of absence allows you to interrupt your studies due to health challenges. Requirements of and the procedures to follow when requesting a medical leave are listed.
Leave of Absence: Personal A personal leave of absence allows you to interrupt your studies and take control of your individual academic journey. Reasons for a personal leave might include a desire to travel, participate in a non-academic program, work and earn money, attend to a family crisis, or gain a sense of direction.
Majors, Minors, Certificates Description of majors, minors and certificates.
Majors, Minors, Certificates: the Interdepartmental Major The Interdepartmental Major enabling you to integrate two academic interests into a single program of study.
Program I and Program II Requirements Compare the requirements of a traditional degree (Program I) and an individualized alternative option called Program II.
Religious Observance & Holidays Students are permitted by university policy to be absent from class to observe a religious holiday.
Research Independent Study - Writing Code Students can fulfill one Writing in the Disciplines requirements through a research independent study.
Robertson Scholars: Academic Responsibilities Robertson Scholars are subject to the academic policies, requirements, and deadlines of other Duke undegraduates.
Seminars A seminar is a course offered to between 12 to 18 students, where a primary goal of the course is discussion.
Summer Sessions and Policies There are several  term options available to students in Duke Summer Sessions, but there are credit limitations that apply.
Transfer Credit Duke will offer credit for courses taken at another four-year college or approved study abroad courses.
Transferring from Duke to Another Institution Students must withdraw from Duke to transfer to another university.
Transferring to/from Pratt School of Engineering Students can transfer between Duke's two undergraduate schools after completing their first academic year.
Trinity College of Arts and Sciences Academic Calendar This calendar includes notes on deadlines important to undergraduates.
Tuition Refund Policies Tuition can be refunded or carried forward as a credit for later study if a student withdraws from the university.
Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UTAs) Undergraduate students can serve as teaching assistants.
Varsity Athletic Participation (NOVAP) Athletes must notify the university when competitions will take them away from classes and exams and cause them to miss work.
Withdrawal: Voluntary Students who wish to withdraw from the college must give notification in writing to their academic dean.
Withdrawal: Academic Dismissal You can be involuntarily withdrawn from the University for academic reasons, if you fail to meet continuation requirements or clear probation.
Withdrawal: Administrative (Financial and non-Financial Reasons) You may be withdrawn from Duke for administrative reasons.
Withdrawal: Disciplinary Suspension Students who exhibit harmful, potentially harmful, or disruptive behavior toward themselves or others or who are found responsible for academic dishonesty may be suspended from the University.