Passing Grades
- A (Exceptional)
- B (Superior)
- C (Satisfactory)
- D (Low pass)
These grades may be modified by a plus (+) or minus (-). See "Course, Repeating a" for information about repeating a course if you earn a D grade.
- S (Satisfactory, issued when course was completed on the S/U option, equivalent to a letter grade of C- or better)
Failing Grades
- F (Failing)
- U (Unsatisfactory, issued when course was completed on the S/U option, equivalent to a letter grade of D+ or worse)
Other Grade Notations
- I (Incomplete, issued when course work is incomplete)*
- X (Absent from final examination)*
- Z (Satisfactory completion of 1st half of a two-semester course sequence; final grade for both courses is assigned at the end of the second course in the sequence.)
- W (Student withdrawn from the course with dean's approval)
- N (No grade submitted by the instructor)
- AD (Student audited the course)
- WA (Student withdrew from an audited course)
* If a student is missing work and absent from the final examination, an "X" grade should submitted