As a Duke student, you may study abroad for a fall or spring semester, a full academic year, and/or during the summer. The maximum amount of credit that you can earn in a fall or spring semester abroad is 4.0 course credits; during a summer session you may earn a maximum of 2.0 course credits. You can choose to study on a Duke-administered program or on a Duke-approved program sponsored by another university. If you study abroad on Duke-approved programs, this means that you may transfer up to 8.0 course credits for a full year abroad, plus an additional 2.0 for a summer session. However, in no instance may you transfer more than 10.0 course credits when combining study abroad and the allowable number of independent transfer credits (2.0). Courses taken on a Duke-administered program will fulfill curriculum requirements as courses taken at Duke do. Participants in Duke in Berlin (spring), Duke in France, Duke in Glasgow, and Duke in Madrid earn both Duke credit and transfer credit. Courses on other Duke-approved programs can fulfill Areas of Knowledge. The FL code is the only Mode of Inquiry that will be considered through study abroad transfer credit. See the curriculum overview and curriculum course codes for more information.
If you wish to study abroad during the fall and/or spring semesters, you must have a GPA of at least 2.7. There is no minimum GPA requirement for summer study abroad. For full details, see Forms & Policies under the About section of the Global Education Office website.
Note: when studying abroad, whether on a Duke-administered or Duke-approved program you are considered an active Duke student. Accordingly, you are subject to semester and annual continuation requirements (see Continuation Requirements) and other requirements as you are when on campus.
The procedures and requirements for study abroad are described in detail in the step-by-step Application Guides developed by the Global Education Office. You may also schedule an appointment with a GEO advisor. Appointments are 30 minutes long and are held in Smith Warehouse.
You will need to fill out forms and obtain the approvals of the director of undergraduate studies or academic advisor in your major, as well as the associate dean of Global Education, in order to study abroad. You will need to declare your major before studying abroad, if you will be abroad during your fourth semester.
See also: