Academic Accommodations

Duke University is prepared to make reasonable academic adjustments and accommodations to allow students with documented disabilities full participation in the same programs and activities available to students without disabilities.

Documentation is established through the Disability Management Service / Student Access Office, which is responsible for determining eligibility for accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, informing a student's academic dean and instructors of the need for accommodation, and providing guidelines for working with a student with a recognized disability. The Program Coordinator works with instructors and students to meet the documented need for accommodation.


If you believe you have a long-term or chronic physical or mental impairment that substantially limits your ability to meet academic obligations, you should:

  1. consult the Student Disability Access Office website, specifically the undergraduate (or prospective) student information.
  2. The documentation process to establish disability may be complicated and take time, so you would do well to begin the process early, perhaps even before you matriculate at Duke.

NOTE: All undergraduate students can find additional support through the Academic Resource Center. The ARC can help you :

  • learn ways to improve your time management
  • find strategies to reduce stress
  • get unstuck and address roadblocks
  • identify your learning preferences and how they apply to your courses
  • learn how to approach the content in your courses
  • enhance your learning experience
  • tackle motivation challenge

The ARC also offers peer tutoring and SAGE learning communities and ADHD/LD learning support. 

See also:

Student Disability Access Office