Leave of Absence: Medical

  • These health challenges may include mental and physical health issues, chronic conditions, emergency surgery, injuries, or any medical condition that makes continuing in courses impossible. 
  • The medical leave of absence deadline for all documentation is 5 p.m. on the last day of classes in a semester. 

While most medical leaves of absence occur while a semester is in progress, you may also request a medical leave between semesters (after completing one semester and before beginning the next semester), if your health conditions preclude your ability to return to Duke for the next semester.


In some cases, there may be other options available to you, and a frank discussion of your plans, support services, ability to complete courses and other contingencies may be useful. 


The Time Away Office will:
  • walk you through the time away process
  • answer questions about the policies and procedures
  • will share your time away request form with your Academic Dean
  • encourage you to follow the time away checklist. 
  • work with you to gather the required medical documentation 

After your leave of absence is approved, the Time Away Office will notify your instructors, advisors, and all appropriate offices of your absence, and help you develop a move-out plan. The Office of Housing, Dining and Residential Life will expect you to move out of your room within a few days after they are notified of the leave. 

Depending on when you are placed on a medical leave you may be eligible for a partial tuition refund.  For further information about tuition fees, refunds, look at Tuition Refund Policies. If you have tuition insurance, the Time Away Office will help you navigate the process. For questions about finances or financial aid, contact the Bursar’s office, and Financial Aid. For information on housing and vacating your room, contact the Office of Housing, Dining, and Residential Life 

While on a medical leave, you may take courses at another four-year institution for transfer credit at Duke, although you are limited in how much credit will transfer following the normal rules for transfer credit, e.g., you may transfer a maximum of two institutional transfer credits to Duke.  You are not allowed to enroll as a full-time degree-seeking student in another university while on a leave of absence.  






You may also contact your dean with any questions or discuss whether the medical leave would be a good choice for you.


See also: