333 Old Chemistry Building, Durham, NC 27708
Box 90049, Durham, NC 27708-0697
Email: akperz@duke.edu
Academic Dean, Director, Health Professions Advising Office.
Ph.D., Cell Biology, Duke University
I was born in Ohio and raised in Texas, but I have lived in North Carolina longer than any place else and I love calling Durham home. I earned a B.S. in biology from Southwestern University in Georgetown, TX and Ph.D. in cell biology from Duke while studying gene regulation during embryonic development. I taught courses in biology at Duke for seven years before moving to the Academic Advising Center when I was appointed as an academic dean for Trinity College in 2009. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my two children and dog. I am happiest when I get outside to grow things or explore natural areas. I volunteer by co-leading a Girl Scout troop for middle school girls. I use the pronouns she, her and hers.